
So I heard, or I should say my wife heard, about this company called Udi's . They are based in Denver, Colorado. They are not only a Gluten Free Food company but by looking at their website they are truly interested in those with Celiac Disease. They have a forum, they have a step by step for those recently diagnosed and a page reviewing the signs and symptoms of the disease. You should also check out the article today (11/28/2012) in the NY Times on going GF. We picked up some frozen bagels although I have not tried them yet. But I did get a chance to try their whole grain bread. I have tried a few GF breads and they were horrible - and that is being nice. I have made my own but it usually only lasts a day or so. Being that I have just made 3 loaves of bread for stuffing and cooked for Thanksgiving the last thing I wanted to do was cook more bread. In comes Udi's to the rescue for my leftover sandwich. Let's just say ...