Gluten Free Cereal

Cereal - the american kids breakfast in a bowl. Aisles and aisles of sugary cereal with cartoons on the box waiting for kids to pick it up and ask mom "can I get it?" I too, was brought up with cereal for breakfast. My favorites from what I remember were Apple Jacks and Honeycombs. Now I usually have some cheese, a hard boiled egg and some yogurt. Occasionally I'll do cereal for breakfast on the run but I like it more as a sweet nighttime snack. In an attempt to have some more food options I went looking and there are a lot of options out there. First I found out that Chex has been reformulated to be Gluten Free. So you have Rice Chex, Corn Chex, and Honey Nut Chex. I sometimes pour all three in a bowl for a little mix of flavor and texture. Obviously now you can make your own Chex mix with other GF ingredients. ( Stay away from the wheat and multibran they ARE NOT GF). Snap, Crackle and Pop came out with a GF version too. The...