Ghostfish Gluten Free Beer

I noticed that I have been slacking on the blog updates. I do have some recipes to add and a bunch of new GF products that I have found. But, one of the best new additions I have found was another dedicated GF Brewery out of the incredible Pacific Northwest. Home to beautiful mountains, rivers, steelhead, salmon and GF Beer. My other favorite GF beer is just south of these guys in Portland, Oregon - Groundbreaker Brewing (The brew pub is also a block away from my favorite GF Bakery - New Cascadia Traditional. I found out about Ghostfish Brewing after hearing about all of the medals they won at the 2015 Beer events. They are another dedicated GF Brewer located in Seattle, Washington. Three guys making great GF beer. I was able to get my hands on three of their beers. They did not last very long because they were all very good. Grapefruit IPA This won the Bronze Medal at the 2015 Great American Beer Festival. Its...