
Showing posts from October, 2019

I’m a slacker

Life, work and kids all create a big to do list and blogposts seem to be at the bottom of that list. Anyway, I do have to add some posts soon. We have found some good new GF options that we use at home now on a regular basis. We took a trip to Bend, Oregon this summer.  If you enjoy the outdoors this is a great place to visit.  I’ll share with you the many places we found that offered good and safe GF options. I am also happy that  Sweetfin  Poke opened up near us.  This is a great poke place (that also offers vegetarian options) but everything is GF. This fall I am looking forward to Peter Bronski’s new book on GF pizza. (No Gluten No Problem) I’m also happy to report that the best and my favorite GF bakery, ( New Cascadia ), now has a mail delivery service. Be back soon.