Salmon for Dinner

So I'm gonna let you in on dinner.  I wish I had a picture but we ate it - and then - I thought about blogging about it.

Shopping List:

Salmon (Trout would work too)
celery salt
lemon pepper
sweet paprika
smoked paprika
salt and pepper
coconut oil (or some other oil)
one lemon
sherry vinegar

The Salmon:

Cut it into serving size pieces.  If you are cooking a large filet score the skin side so it doesn't curl up.

Mix a tsp of celery salt, 1/2 tsp lemon pepper, 1/2 tsp of sweet paprika, 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika per person and sprinkle generously over the meat of the salmon.  Add salt and fresh ground pepper to taste but the celery salt does contain a bunch of salt, so salt gingerly.

Get a pan hot.  I have a Scanpan that I use and love it.  Put a bit of oil in the pan, I use coconut oil but any oil would work.  Cook the meat side until it has a nice crust and then flip.  90 % of the cooking will be done on the skin side.  (If you are unsure it it is done use a small knife to separate a the meat and check the doneness).

Grate one lemon and finely chop about 2 tsp of chives and mix together.  Sprinkle the mixture over the salmon and squeeze a bit of fresh lemon juice over it when you serve it.

The Asparagus:

I steam it for a few minutes.  When it is served I sprinkle with a bit of Sherry Vinegar (I use Napa Valley Naturals) and sprinkle a bit of salt.

The Kids Menu:

I cook a bit of salmon with just salt for seasoning and then squeeze a bit of lemon juice over it before serving.

For the asparagus we take the steamed asparagus and wrap it with prosciutto and then cook it in the toaster oven until it is crisp.  The kids love it and adults like it too.


The Un-Gluten Guy


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